Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Squirts

Got this message just a little bit ago. Since the commonly believed occurrence of female ejaculation or "squirting" is around 10%, this guy must really be on top of his game even though he looks to be about 12 or so in his profile pic. He definitely has a 12 year old's hair cut. Of all the things I say in my profile, he read between the lines to find the message I was truly trying to send "I'd like a pre-pubescent looking male to make me achieve the elusive female ejaculation." Right...

So, I check out his profile hoping I will find more material to use in the blog post I already know I'm going to make:

And of course, I find it. How did I know I would? Beyond the obvious lack of content, let me also point out that this guy is both looking for his true love judging by his About Me, but that his intent is to date but nothing serious. Seems a bit contradictory to me. Or maybe this guy is just a fucktard. I don't really think this is his picture either, but I could be wrong about that.

1 comment:

  1. I could be wrong but wasn't that the same message you received in September? Only with a different picture.
